Lunar Eclipse 2010 - 2011

Lunar Eclipse 2010 - 2011

The June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse crescendos a week of spectacular astrological anomalies. If you’re into technical jargon, Pam Youngans of the NorthPoint Astrological Journal outlines the actions of the planets with highlights like “Monday: Sun enters Cancer (Solstice) 4:29am PDT... Thursday: Saturn square Mercury, Neptune trine Mercury... Saturday: Jupiter square Mercury, Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon 4:31am PDT; Sunday: Pluto opposite Mercury, Neptune quincunx Saturn.” 
The combinations form what astrologers around the world call a Grand Cross.  Astrology, astronomy?  In the astronomy of things, lunar eclipses are rare, but not as rare as the solar variety.
When we speak of the movement of planets, we’re talking about the magnetic pressures that shift the world, the universe.  There may be argument about astrology being pure “lunacy”, but the astronomy cannot be denied.  The tides move.   
The bottom line question is “what is the effect on your day and your life?”  The 2010 Lunar Eclipse passed this morning, so there are obviously no doomsday issues to unveil (for you anyway).  An eclipse is said to magnify the intensities of a full moon.  So, tie those togas tight; we might expect the rumored increases in hospital visits, babies born, and necessary police activity. 
I taught at a school that was surrounded in pasture land.  Some days the kids became particularly skittery.  At recess, the horses would be galloping and rolling and whinnying in the field.  There was no reason to check the calendar.  The full moon affected creatures great and small.
This week has illuminated great challenges for the teens around me.  Whether merging or breaking partnerships, choosing employment and schools, deciding on future living arrangements, or just looking for pure happiness, the kids have faced crescendos of spectacular enormity.  Related to the planets?  I wish I knew.  What do you think?

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